The Invitation

The Invitation

In the three novellas collected here, bestselling romancer Deveraux explores some of the limits of the genre she knows so well, indicating she may be as spunky as her heroines. The first story, The Invitation, is set in 1934. Jackie O'Neill returns to her hometown of Chandler, Colo., an accomplished pilot and a lonely widow. Developing her air transport business can keep her happy as a pilot, and her new partner, William Montgomery, promises to make very cozy company--until Jackie realizes he is the same little Billy she babysat for many years ago. In the second story, Matchmakers, Kane Taggert, who reluctantly agrees to guide four New York City women on a Colorado trail ride, may be enchanted by Ruth Edwards, a calculatingly charming widow, if only he can make it through the two-week trip without throttling Ruth's friend, bestselling author Cale Anderson. The last story, A Perfect Arrangement, finds Dorie Latham enlisting Cole Hunter, "an aging gunslinger with no visible means of support and the beginnings of a paunch," to play husband and help her elude her sister's matchmaking scheme.

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Top Reviews

This is a beautifully written book. I absolutely adored all the stories each was unique. One of the themes that ran throughout the stories is the uniqueness of individuals. Too often people want to appease others by confirming to societal or the expectations of family and friends. This is both boring and does not allow for individuality. People are different, they come in all shapes, sizes, colorations. I say be bold, not rude, but don't be afraid to move to the sound of your own drum.


By Albertha Stroman

The Invitation was a well written book, seems like I had just starting reading when all of a sudden it was the ending,would loved to know more about there life after they got home.

By Carmina Feest

The where 3 great short stories. Far rainy after noon read. Fun stories of love and adventure. All 3_could inspire a series of there own. Enjoy😊

By Rhona Monahan

20 years ago, I was a great fan of Jude Deveraux. I was completely turned off after A Knight in Shining Armor because I really hate time travel and paranormal phenomena. I picked this one up after reading some on-line discussions. Am I glad I did. I LOVED this book, especially the story of William and Jackie. So romantic. I love books where the hero recognizes and is constant in his knowledge that the heroine is the one for him. I was not crazy about the second story(that sex scene came out o...

By Carl Luettgen

IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR LARGE PRINT, THIS IS NOT IT...NO MATTER WHAT IT SAID...My mom had a stroke back at the first of the year, so her eye site is not real good, but she loves to read. So I found her some large print books to see if she could see the words better, well she can do what she loves to do again....Please correct this mishap. Thanks...

By Holly Armstrong

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